My band Wrong Side of Dawn now has our song “The Grinder’s Tale” available as downloadable content for Rock Band for Xbox 360! If you want to see what it is like to play our song in Rock Band, watch the video 🙂
Category Archives: Uncategorized
“Rick Perry” – Bad Lip Reading
Everyone’s probably seen this by now, but it is one of the funniest things I’ve seen in a long time so I’m sharing it anyway.
The Front Bottoms “Flashlight” Official Music Video
I pretty much love everything the Front Bottoms do. They have such energy, and their lyrics just kill me every time. Wait for the glowsticks and fire at the end of the video 🙂
Panel featuring @AnonyOps
I attended this panel at the NLG convention featuring @BiellaColeman, this mysterious man behind @AnonyOps participating via Skype, and a couple of other nifty people, with @lea_rosen sitting next to me. Unfortunately I had to ditch before the Q&A session to meet Philly friends for dinner, but the legal ramifications of Anonymous + Occupy Wall Street are fascinating.
“Crossing the Bar” music video
Crossing the Bar – by Wrong Side of Dawn – official music video. This is my band’s first music video, and I am very excited/proud 🙂
(Im)possible Chicago #28
The entire (Im)possible Chicagos series is amazing and mind-expanding. I also love the concept of a spaghettified zoo.
Dish draining closet – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Dish draining closet – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
From, originally posted by Dustin Boyer.
Why the heck hasn’t the dish draining closet caught on here? It makes so much sense. Is just that you can’t store as many dishes in a dish draining closet as you can when they are dried and tightly stacked? If so, does that mean people have too many dishes?
Tomorrow, You Can Take Bike-Share for a Test Ride
Tomorrow, You Can Take Bike-Share for a Test Ride
from Streetsblog New York City. I am so glad that a serious bike share program is coming to NYC, I will definitely take a test ride.
Nelson at the Open Video Conference

How to sue a corporation
Recently a friend of a friend asked to be put in touch with me, saying:
I’ve been trying to think of ways to raise money so I can purchase land, and I thought of your friend from (highschool?) who sued a few large corporations on his own.
I’m thinking about filing a lawsuit against large herbicide/pesticide companies (Monsanto)… I would use the settlement funds to reclaim land, and restore ecosystems.
This isn’t the first time that I’ve been approached by people who wanted to sue a corporation just like I did. Therefore I wrote a long, detailed reply, and I am publishing it here so that everyone hankering to sue a corporation can “benefit” from my experience. Disclaimer: I am not a lawyer (yet) and this is not legal advice.
With no further ado: