Hey folks, this is my LiveJournal, but I prefer to retain control over my own blog, so I’m not actually going to post anything here, I’m going to maintain my weblog on my website. Although I might use the “post only for your friends” option here, since I don’t really have a good way to control access to my weblog… You might also want to keep track of the activities of the Swarthmore Coalition for the Digital Commons, because that occupies most of my life 🙂
Hrm… I can’t figure out how to comment in your other journal there, so I’ll do it here. This entry, to be specific.
Bribes are good. I’m a sucker for dark chocolate. 😉
I’m actually kinda creeped out by the Swarthmore livejournal scene. I haven’t become involved in it myself, but the stories I’ve heard from people uninvolved because they read it in people’s livejournals is astounding. I love livejournal because of the communities, so I have another account that I use for that and for my projects and such. This one is sort of an experiment to see whether I can keep up an emotionally distant journal (so that it doesn’t get me into trouble) and still have readers. The only problem with this strategy is that I haven’t written much in the past month, since events have been very emotionally charged around here. But I rarely go a day without a hit, so I guess people must be liking it. It was really written for friends far away from me (from home, etc).
I’m puzzled by your complaints about deadjournal. You have to do the same deal for livejournal- how did you get a code? And it does too jump to unconnected communities- I got my codes from random people I didn’t know that had too many.
Anyway. Must go pack now. See you around, dude man.
no code
Hey Sasha, I know you’ve probably figured this out by now, but for the sake of any less-informed visitors, Livejournal no longer requires a code, anybody can sign up for free. I think it’s a good business decision, I probably wouldn’t have become a paying member if I hadn’t signed up for LiveJournal one night on a whim.
Yeah, I’ve noticed that your last few posts were one or two sentences… it may be hard to keep an emotionally detached journal if you’ve got a lot of emotion in your life. I think you could express emotion without getting into specifics, but I dunno.
There isn’t any way to leave comments on my blog on my website, that’s something I’ll have to work on…
And I’ll keep in mind your preference for dark chocolate if I have to bribe the sysadmins 😀
Until then, have a good break!
Re: no code
I’m not so sure I agree. The problem is not that I have trouble expressing emotion to random people on the internet- the problems happen when the people who are the subject of the entry find it, and regardless of how veiled you are know it’s about them, and get either weirded out that they’re on the internet or pissed off because of what you said. I’m just going to avoid that whole barrel of worms and spare them. (You always have to assume that someone is going to read it, rather than relying on the chance they won’t) Besides, who really wants to know the details of the trouble I’ve had with certain people that don’t already know all about it?
ah, rambling nonsequiterly…sorry, old chap.
<< Yeah, I've noticed that your last few posts were one or two sentences...
it may be hard to keep an emotionally detached journal if you’ve got a
lot of emotion in your life. I think you could express emotion without
getting into specifics, but I dunno.>>
Nelson, I prefer your own blog, although I totally understand getting a LJ to read friends-only posts and get in on the ‘Scene’, but well your blog is great, and more personal than a LJ – maybe if you could just figure out a way to enable comments –